Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dead Blog

Yea, I know this blog had been dead for a very long time...To be exact, since 31st of December 2009. Almost 5 months. Wow, I didn't even realise it has been that long!

Well, all this time..I haven't been doing anything much, except for study, eat, sleep, procrastinate and so on. Nothing exciting..
Yup, there are some fun stuff I did with my friends but if I have to mention it all in this post, I won't be able to sleep in a few weeks.

So, instead of informing all of you out there about what I have been doing, I might as well not mention it and make this post a brand new start for my blog.

Actually, I have nothing to say in this post so I don't actually know how I am giving my blog a fresh new start...

Ok, I'll start by changing my blog's appearance. As you can see, I change it's shirt/skin/template/whatever. And my entire playlist are songs from Glee!
Aite, the only news is that I'm addicted to GLEE! N I keep waiting for Tuesday to come because tha's when Glee shows a new episode. I can't think of anything but Tuesday and Glee all the time. N when Tuesday really came, I would be anxious all the time waiting to get home quickly and do nothing but watch Glee!

So far, I have watched Glee (Up till now got 15 episodes) for God knows how many times and you know what? I'M STILL NOT BORED!!!
It's amazing after all these years of watching dramas, movies, TV shows that I finally found 1 that I will not get bored of no matter how many times I watched it.

I really love Lea Michele, who plays Rachel Berry in Glee. My God, she has such an angelic voice!
I'm officially announcing that Lea Michele is my favourite celebrity from now onwards!
I just love to hear her sing...Ahhhhhhhh~

Ok, enough of all this. I know I'm boring you about all this Glee stuff so I'll just end it here. N please don't blame me if you think this post is short n talks about nothing but Glee, because that's all I want to talk about nowadays.
Maybe until I find something else that can distract me n make me talk about other things than Glee. But I have to say it here first, I DOUBT IT!

Whatever la, whether u like Glee or not...I STILL LOVE IT!
I'll stop here.

Penned by,